Meet Catherine Hall, Site Civil Design
Catherine Hall: Inspiring Growth and Building Idaho’s Future
Catherine Hall is a talented civil engineering designer who works in the FOCUS Engineering & Surveying Meridian, Idaho office. Originally from California, Catherine studied interior design in college. After graduation, she began her career in architecture, specializing in custom kitchen and bath design. By the time she moved to Idaho, she had developed a curiosity beyond interior design. This ultimately led her to FOCUS.
Catherine is very growth-oriented and constantly sets goals to push herself to improve. She is also passionate about helping others realize their potential and enjoys working toward common goals alongside her team. Connecting regularly with her family and friends helps her show up better for her work team and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Aside from spending time with family and friends, Catherine enjoys photography, exploring new places, and learning about alien encounters and extraterrestrial life.
Inspiring Constant Growth
Catherine credits one of her college professors for mentoring her, often staying after class for 2 to 3 hours to learn more about the interior design industry. “I witnessed her going the extra mile for everyone around her, caring about developing future generations and making a positive impact on students with dreams. We developed a very trusting professional friendship over this time that continues to this day.” Catherine also reflects on an architectural piece that inspires her: the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia. “It’s the most remarkable architecture I’ve ever seen, and it’s been under construction for the last 140 years! The number of different generations that have had a hand in this masterpiece is inspiring. It’s a great example of teamwork.”
Catherine also reflects on the impact her team and coworkers have made on her career. “A rewarding moment for me was during my first review at FOCUS. I realized the impact and responsibility I had for someone else’s success. The trust my leaders placed in me, along with their guidance, gave me a sense of purpose and motivated me to strive for continuous improvement. It’s fulfilling to contribute to my team’s growth.”
Building Idaho’s Future
When asked about the most interesting project she has worked on, Catherine recalled the Bridgetower subdivision in Meridian, Idaho. “It was one of the first projects I worked on, and I always appreciate seeing the unique layout of the site. I like that it’s filled with ‘mini-mansions,’ and there’s a huge retention pond in the middle shaped like a mitochondrion. The unique, meandering sidewalks throughout the site set it apart from most subdivisions in the area. I also enjoyed the challenging grading!”
Catherine is actively involved in the BCASWI Professional Women in Building Council and the Professional Women in Building (PWB) through the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). “I believe showing interest in our local industry and its growth creates fulfilling connections for everyone.” She sees a lot of potential and growth unfolding in the Treasure Valley area of Idaho, as the influx of people moving in demands more development. “I want to be a part of learning the industry’s ebbs and flows so I can teach and mentor the younger generations through it. They will eventually be the ones to replace me.” We look forward to seeing all the great work Catherine will continue to do as she progresses in her career at FOCUS.