In Focus: Adam Eastman’s Structure of Trust and Collaboration
It’s been a winding professional road for Adam Eastman, Structural Department Manager at FOCUS Engineering and Surveying. It started in middle school with a fascination for construction and shifted into structural engineering after a two-year service mission in Mexico after high school. He looked at law school but “after conversations with some patent attorneys and mentors, I decided structural engineering within the civil engineering field would be my career choice.”
And what a choice it has been.
Adam now manages a department of 14 people, ranging from licensed engineers to interns. With anywhere from 15-35 projects going at any given time, it takes dedication to the craft to stay focused (pun intended) and be accountable. “We are always passionately striving to make our clients successful and hold coordination meetings often to ensure the project is running smoothly,” he said. “We provide updates during projects so our clients know about progress and trouble areas during design,” he said. And it all goes toward creating a wonderful partnership.
Communication is key and Adam is on top of it. “We work side by side with a lot of our clients to come up with solutions to problems early on in the design and construction,” he explains. And it isn’t just external communication, either. Adam continues, “We consistently work on internal systems and innovations to improve efficiency and knowledge growth so we can provide a better, cleaner, and more cost-effective product for our clients.” It’s what sets FOCUS apart from other engineering firms.
With many projects under his belt, he has a lot of good memories and stories. He likes the variety: Between materials, scope of work, and everything else that makes a project unique – including the challenges. “In designing the River Heights Medical Office Building in South Jordan,” he describes, “One of our biggest efforts was in meeting the architect’s intent for overall appearance. Windows, stone exterior finishes, large and open spaces, lightweight concrete floors, minimal shear and bearing lines–including all of it while designing the building with wood construction and keeping it cost-effective—was a fun problem to solve.” Adam and the team maximized what the building could handle via close coordination with all parties. Once the building was occupied, Adam and team were able to help with modifications to spaces to fit tenant needs.
He’s not just focused on getting the job done, but getting the job done right. “We want clients to know we are on their team,” Adam mentions. “They can trust us to meet or exceed their expectations and desires on each project.”
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