In FOCUS: Guangyao Li, Intern | Transportation
As a graduate student earning a master’s degree at the University of Utah, Guangyao Li (who goes by Li) was looking for a career opportunity that suited his emphasis of study. He interviewed with FOCUS and found a fit with our Transportation Engineering department. Under the mentorship of department manager Jason Watson, Li has hit the ground running. He assists with traffic impact studies for residential and commercial projects and appreciates the training he receives for soft and technical skills.
Li is one who embraces facing challenges and finding solutions. “I love practicing my technical skills on a daily basis,” he says. “Every day I face different tasks and learn different methods of solving traffic problems.” He’s become adept at the specialized software to do his job. While tools like Synchro and Tripgen help boost productivity, Li finds that communication is the best tool to make his job more productive and efficient.
Interestingly, it’s his first project that has been the toughest. Located in Tooele, this new Parker Property development called Crestview includes six accesses and two major intersections that Li is evaluating to determine how the existing roadway structure is operating and how the 75-acre development could impact the surrounding traffic network. He’s collected and analyzed trip generation and distribution data to determine the number of vehicle trips that are anticipated by the residents who will live in the 116 single-family homes and 202 townhomes. “The level of complexity is high,” he admits, “Simulating the project results using Synchro helps me ensure all the accesses and intersections are connected as a network of the area.”
Li enjoys working at FOCUS and finds the culture and energy special and motivating. “I look forward to contributing to the great working and training environment I’ve become a part of,” he expresses. We appreciate your contributions, Li!