FOCUS Spotlight: Land Planning and Landscape Architecture Team
Megan Spencer, Land Planning Intern
1. Tell me a little bit about how you ended up at FOCUS/in your current role.
I originally started in the CAD Services department four years ago. When I switched my major to Urban Planning, I came over to this department!
2. What is your favorite thing about working at FOCUS? What drew you to FOCUS as an employer?
My favorite thing about FOCUS is also what drew me to it – our focus on constantly becoming better and doing so as a TEAM.
3. What do you enjoy most about your job? What do you most look forward to in your new position?
I love the problem-solving aspect of land planning and enjoy collaborating with our team to find the best solutions for our clients.
4. What do you enjoy most about your team/department?
I love how we can have fun together AND work efficiently together.
5. What is your favorite plant?
Morgan Ivancovich, Land Planner
1. Tell me a little bit about how you ended up at FOCUS/in your current role.
I studied landscape management and design at BYU.
2. What is your favorite thing about working at FOCUS? What drew you to FOCUS as an employer?
The culture dynamic, the way the company is organized and client-focused.
3. What do you enjoy most about your job? What do you most look forward to in your new position?
Organizing and picking plants for landscapes.
4. What do you enjoy most about your team/department?
A lot of fun work to keep you busy; organized and friendly environment.
5. What is your favorite plant?
Dwarf Korean Lilac
Bryan Wilson, Jr. Project Manager/Landscape Designer
1. Tell me a little bit about how you ended up at FOCUS/in your current role.
I saw the job posting and contacted Seth Vance about the job.
2. What is your favorite thing about working at FOCUS? What drew you to FOCUS as an employer?
The people are what make the company so enjoyable. Friendly and loyal.
3. What do you enjoy most about your job? What do you most look forward to in your new position?
The opportunity for growth, building our department with new hires has been rewarding. I love the broad range of projects we work on too.
4. What do you enjoy most about your team/department?
We have great communication and collaborate often.
5. What is your favorite plant?
Tree: Natchez Crepe Myrtle
Shrub: Little Gem Magnolia
Chad Garner, Jr. Project Manager/ Land Planner
1. What is your favorite thing about working at FOCUS?
I love being able to create and design new spaces in a way that is beneficial to everyone.
2. What do you enjoy most about your job?
Watching my projects get built and making an impact here in the valley!
3. What do you enjoy most about your team/department?
We all get along and they are so fun to work with.
4. What is your favorite plant?
Color Guard Yucca
Alan Weaver, Landscape Architect
1. What is your favorite thing about working at FOCUS?
I enjoy the people in our department and the clients we work with.
2. What do you enjoy most about your job?
Being creative in our projects.
3. What do you enjoy most about your team/department?
Everyone is different, unique, and have a sense of humor.
4. What is your favorite plant?
Seth Vance, Land Planning Department Manager
1. What is your favorite thing about working at FOCUS?
My favorite thing about working at FOCUS is the collective effort toward improvement and growth.
2. What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy collaborating on designs with our awesome team and making things that look nice.
3. What do you enjoy most about your team/department?
Their passion for what they do and for serving our clients.
4. What is your favorite plant?
Maiden Grass