Project Spotlight: SR-71 (900 E) & 6600 S Intersection Improvements
The design of intersections is a critical part of transportation engineering. It’s the point at which vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles proceed in many directions, often at the same time. Mobility and safety are key design considerations, as well as convenience and ease of use, to minimize delays and maximize progression along a signalized corridor.
FOCUS Engineering and Surveying was hired by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to design improvements to an intersection just south of Wheeler Farm in Murray. The heavily traveled intersection was in need of new signals and associated roadway design.
The improvements begin with field survey, traffic data collection, and traffic analysis. Jason Watson, Transportation Department Manager, recognized the improvements would require coordination with many different utility companies to identify and possibly relocate existing facilities that may be in conflict with the proposed improvements. Jason met on site with UDOT and the project team and examined each corner of the intersection to review whether the existing signal foundations could be reused or if new foundations would be needed to upgrade signal equipment.
The team provided insight into what signal equipment could be saved and reused to minimize costs. In addition to communicating with multiple UDOT departments, Jason also coordinated with the utility companies to ensure there were no impacts to the design and construction schedule.
The new signal equipment throughout the intersection supports UDOT’s strategic goals of optimizing mobility, preserving infrastructure, and improving safety. Zero crashes, zero injuries, and zero fatalities is the only acceptable goal.