Wood Hollow Estates

Located just west of the U-111 highway at 6200 South in West Valley City, Utah, Wood Hollow is a multi-phase project that started pre-2007, was halted by the economic crash, and picked back up in 2015. Three of the five phases have been completed, yielding 133 homes.

The project site’s steep slope and location adjacent to U-111 posed some unique challenges. FOCUS worked closely with the developer to provide precise grading and specific lot drainage to meet its requirements and desired functionality for the various home plans. This included the design of several retaining walls, which required substantial coordination with UDOT due to their proximity to U-111. With no outfall location for storm water, FOCUS designed the site to retain all storm water.

Water pressure on the site was extremely low, so finished grades were designed to meet state’s water pressure requirements. This required the top of a hill to be cut down to achieve the minimum water pressure.

FOCUS also worked closely with UDOT on improvements to the intersection at 6200 South and U-111, including modifications to the signal system and nearly 2000 feet of new acceleration and deceleration lanes to safely manage traffic going in and out of the development.


Client Ken Olson
Location West Valley City, UT
Project Duration 2007 - Ongoing
Services Survey, Site Civil Design, Transportation Engineering, Construction Staking