Jan 31, 2022

Employee of the Month December 2021

By Focus Engineering In News, Team No comments

Winner: Tim Atwood
Nominated by Christian Broberg

I would like to nominate Tim for displaying the tenets of CUSTOMER SERVICECOMMUNICATION, and PASSION FOR CLIENT SUCCESS. While working on a project this month, I had a question regarding an area of work unfamiliar to me. I approached Tim and was so impressed with the thorough nature in which he answered my question. He took the time to explain the principle to me and point out all the information I needed to get my job done. Tim made sure that I did not leave without clear direction. This shows great regard for my SUCCESS AS A CLIENT (his internal client) and a great ability to COMMUNICATE. Thank you Tim! For these reasons, Tim deserves your vote for employee of the month.


Runner-Up: Julian McNeil-Jones
Nominated by Jason Barker

Julian has really stepped up his game recently as he has taken on the opportunity to train new employees as well as keep up on his own work load, all the while maintaining an excellent MT rate. The most impressive thing I noticed about Julian last month was his desire to provide excellent CUSTOMER SERVICE through increased COMMUNICATION with clients to make sure their needs were being met and projects were being completed as we approached the Holiday break. And, he did all this while preparing to bring a new baby home at Christmas. Good work Julian, and Congrats!