Employee of the Month June 2021
Winner: MJ Tineo
Nominated by Trenton Smith
When we made a shuffle earlier this year with Justin stepping into the Survey DM role, MJ stepped up into the Field Manager role of the CS department. He has been under extreme pressure and has at times doubted himself and his abilities but has never wavered in his commitment to continue driving forward in his personal progression and the progression of his TEAM. He has taken the bull by the horns to establish relationships with our clients and become the hub of COMMUNICATION for the CS department. He was recently recognized by name by one of our key clients as a guy that gives them 100% effort 100% of the time. When you receive feedback like this from clients, it’s a sure EOM nomination.
Runner-Up: Cameron Taylor
Nominated by Eric Winters
I’d like to nominate Cam Taylor for giving 100% PASSION FOR CLIENT SUCCESS. Cam got involved with a project that was designed by a former employee but in construction. The situation was extremely time sensitive because the contractor was building the project and our original design didn’t work based on the staking we provided. Cam has a heavy workload already, but he took control of the situation and put together solutions quickly and on the fly, coordinating with the contractor and Lehi City on-site. Even though Cam could have run for the hills, he phoned a friend in Connor Llewelyn who helped him get staking crews out to the site within the hour. Cam was so thrilled and appreciative for how helpful Connor and his TEAM were. The client and Contractor are HAPPY CLIENTS, and he felt like this experience really helped him to work through some improvements on handling stress, his temper, and the importance of getting face time with clients to build relationships. Thank you Cam for being the rockstar you are!