May 12, 2024

Meet Eliot Kang, Structural Engineering

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Eliot Kang joined our Structural Engineering department as an intern in late 2019. Initially drawn to architecture, his passion for math ultimately guided him towards a career in structural engineering. Since joining the team, Eliot has distinguished himself not only through his technical expertise but also in his exceptional communication skills and commitment to client care.

Using Communication to Balance

Eliot’s adept communication skills have proven essential in managing a demanding schedule as a student while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. “This current school semester has been particularly rigorous,” Eliot admits. “Juggling intense coursework with multiple client projects and reports requires careful time management.” His strategy involves regular, detailed interactions with clients, fostering strong relationships that afford him greater flexibility in managing his workload.

A recent test of his abilities came when he took over a key client’s project. “Through constant communication and coming through for them on big deadlines, I was able to grow that relationship and have that client really enjoy working with us,” he says. FOCUS has since become the client’s preferred engineering firm.

Growth and Learning

Eliot remains humble and grounded despite his successes. He finds that the most challenging projects often yield the greatest personal and professional growth. “The difficult projects drive me to learn from my mistakes and continuously refine my skills,” he explains. This dedication to improvement is a reflection of the core values at FOCUS, which Eliot embodies.

Collaboration and Mentorship

At FOCUS, Eliot is continually inspired by his colleagues and mentors, including department manager Bradford Mason and partner Adam Eastman. “They’ve taught me invaluable lessons in engineering efficiency and soft skills,” he says. Eliot is eager to expand his role in management and contribute further to the department’s success.

Engagement and Industry Innovation

Outside of work, Eliot remains involved with the University of Utah’s ASCE student chapter and looks forward to leading his team in the upcoming Timber Strong competition. He is also excited about the potential applications of generative AI in the industry, particularly as a tool for searching codes and equations.

When the Work is Done

After a busy day, Eliot enjoys unwinding by swimming, exploring the outdoors with his wife and dog, and visiting museums. He holds a special fondness for the Natural History Museum of Utah, which he considers a masterpiece of the industry. A former competitive swimmer, Eliot proudly holds the University of Utah Club Swim Team’s record for the 400 Individual Medley.