Our Company Culture: FOCUSed on Continual Improvement
Bettering Ourselves, Bettering Our Team, Giving 100%
Over its 14-year history, FOCUS has distinguished itself as a firm driven by continual improvement—a passion to consistently deliver better service for our clients and offer a better place to work pushes each of us every day.
Becoming the best at customer service doesn’t happen by chance. Rather, it happens by choice and change. As a goal-driven and value-based firm, we think more than just about the “what” but also about the “how” of exceeding our potential.
Every two years, we select a theme for the firm, providing a collaborative objective that allows our entire firm to pull together to succeed. Our 2020/21 theme is 100%. It is simply to apply to 100% of ourselves to:
- our core values and mission
- our team as a whole
- one another as individuals
- personal improvement
- a “right now” effort
We recognize our firm has grown from six employees to over 80 because of a shared work ethic and commitment to excellence. By fostering that energy of individual effort and engagement, we’ve created a corporate culture that emphasizes clear communication and high standards.
FOCUSed Passion
We also share a 100% passion for client success. Passion is one of those words people use often without really understanding the original meaning of the word. We’ve learned the word comes from the Latin root “pati-” meaning “suffering” or “to suffer with.”
How do we apply passion to our client interactions? For FOCUS team members it means working hard and making the sacrifices needed to see a client’s project to fruition. We recognize challenges and discomforts lead to continued improvement of customer service and collaboration. It’s more than delivering technically accurate work. It’s about project ownership, continual communication, and building lasting client relationships.
100% isn’t about perfection or being the best. It’s about never quitting at being our best. As we engage in this concentrated effort, we will see increased client satisfaction, opportunities, personal and company improvement, and a spirit of success.
We look forward to being 100% together.