FOCUS Outstanding Employees: August 2024 Platinum of the Month
The Platinum of the Month award is a testament to the outstanding individuals who embody the core values of FOCUS.
Winner: Christian Broberg—1,000% Recommendable
Nominated by: Adam Eastman
As part of our path to progression for JPM1, I called Adam Archer with LGI to get feedback on how Christian Broberg is doing for him. I didn’t even finish my full question before he said, “I would recommend Christian 1,000%. I have never worked with someone more professional than Christian.” He mentioned that Christian is on top of things, COMMUNICATES well, determines deadlines for everything he sends our way, and hits those deadlines. He said he couldn’t be HAPPIER with Christian and loves working with him.
I’d like to nominate Christian for EOM for being HIGHLY VALUABLE, DESIRABLE and RARE by successfully applying the core ideology.
Runner-up: Cory Thompson—Exceptional Dedication and Initiative
Nominated by: Tiffanee Reynolds
I nominate Cory Thompson for exhibiting the PLATINUM property HIGH MELTING AND BOILING POINTS. Cory has an exceptional commitment and sacrifices tremendously for the betterment of his TEAM and FOCUS as a whole. Through his passion for his TEAM, Cory consistently pushes the team to CONSTANTLY IMPROVE AND GROW. Cory’s selflessness and dedication are truly inspiring. It is with the utmost respect and admiration that I submit this POM NOM for Cory.
Nominated by: Szymon Zeliszczak
Whenever our department is in a crunch or need help with anything survey related, I know we can count on Cory. He is extremely dedicated and reliable, and prioritizes BEING THE BEST AT CUSTOMER SERVICE over anything. His leadership within the CS/ Survey department does not go unnoticed. He always does everything he can to help people get what they need.
Last month, we had a design that was not ready to go because of not enough topo information in the area. The day of the submittal, within an hour of me talking to him, Cory had a crew at the location. An hour after that, I had the necessary points in my inbox, all thanks to Cory and his incredible team. This is just one of many examples where Cory shows that he is MALLEABLE.
No matter how packed the field schedule always it is, (and it sure is) Cory still manages to help people out in a crunch, and does it with a smile. Vote for Cory!
Congratulations to Christian Broberg and Cory Thompson for their outstanding contributions in August 2024. Their dedication to FOCUS’s Core Ideology and their exceptional service to clients has truly set them apart. They have exemplified what it means to be Platinum of the Month. Their actions reflect the qualities that make FOCUS highly valuable, desirable, and rare in the eyes of both clients and colleagues.