FOCUS Outstanding Employees: September 2024 Platinum of the Month
The Platinum of the Month award is a testament to the outstanding individuals who embody the core values of FOCUS. Please congratulate the September 2024 PLATINUM of the month employees!
Winner: Carolina Ortiz—Maintaining the FOCUS Ideologies
Nominated by: Collette Davis
I am nominating Carolina for being HIGHLY VALUABLE, DESIRABLE AND RARE. Carolina has embraced the challenge of participating in interviews to identify ideal FOCUS players. In these interviews, I have witnessed her push beyond her comfort zone, skillfully asking insightful questions that align with our CORE IDEOLOGY, and marketing the FOCUS brand to our applicants. Her commitment to this really shows her dedication to BUILDING OUR TEAM. She’s killing it!
Runner-up: Wes Prime—Service to Client and Team
Nominated by: Mariah Paez
I would like to nominate Wes Prime for his ability to be MALLEABLE. New to project management, Wes has been proactive in learning what processes his client has. He COMMUNICATES thoroughly with his client and has even helped our accounting team to be more MALLEABLE for this client by providing us with more knowledge and requirements they have.
He has been very proactive in learning how to manage this project and has helped us submit invoices on a strict deadline through this client’s billing portal. Sometimes the projects that are inherited can seem like they have a lot of cleanup work, but this hasn’t discouraged Wes. He is facing it head on. He wants the project, his external client, and accounting TEAM to be successful on it. Wes’ focus on CUSTOMER SERVICE applies not only with his external clients but our internal accounting team as well!
Congratulations to Carolina Ortiz and Wes Prime for their outstanding contributions in September 2024. Their dedication to FOCUS’s Core Ideology and their exceptional service to clients has truly set them apart. They have exemplified what it means to be Platinum of the Month. Their actions reflect the qualities that make FOCUS highly valuable, desirable, and rare in the eyes of both clients and colleagues.